
Talking About Fuel Delivery Systems

Recycled Automotive Oil: Its Uses And Your Role

Advances in technology and a better understanding of oil refining mean that it is possible to recycle used motor oil for a variety of purposes and have it work just as well as virgin refined motor oil. In order to conserve natural oil resources and prevent oil from contaminating both land and ocean, it is important that consumers know the basics of oil recycling and do their part in recycling their used motor oil. If you get your oil changed by a professional, you are most likely already contributing to the oil recycling process, but here are the facts that you need to know to make sure. 

Industrial Recycling 

Used motor oil that is collected by auto shops is generally sent to one of two places. It can be sent to an oil refinery, where it will be re-refined into usable motor oil or other lubricants, or it will be sent to a power plant, where it can be used to generate energy for a variety of uses. 

Re-refined Motor Oil 

Currently, about 10% of used motor oil is re-refined in special refineries for use as a lubricant. The modern process is similar to refining crude oil and produces a comparable product. However, due to a history of re-refined oil being lower quality than virgin refined oil, many consumers are hesitant to purchase re-refined oil. 

Power Plants 

The majority of recycled motor oil is sent directly to power plants and private companies where it is used to either create electricity or power industrial boilers. At a power plant, two gallons of used motor oil can create enough energy to power the average American house for roughly 24 hours. This is done with minimal environmental waste. 

DIY Recycling 

Residential Heating 

Although large-scale, industrial recycling is more common, many people are discovering how to recycle their own motor oil for everyday uses. Recently, an inexpensive method for converting your home oil heater to run on used motor oil has been developed. This can give you a cheap way to heat your home and recycle your used motor oil. Occasionally, you may find an auto service that will give you used motor oil for this use. 

Diesel Fuel

Some individuals have successfully converted motor oil to a diesel fuel. Unfortunately, it is an expensive and complicated process and the resulting fuel does not burn as cleanly as biodiesel. For that reason, it is more environmentally friendly to choose a different recycling method, such as one of the ones listed above. 

What You Can Do 

  • Buy recycled oil. At your next oil change, you can ask for your mechanic to use re-refined oil in your vehicle. If you change your own oil, you can purchase re-refined oil at most places that sell virgin refined oil. To make sure you get the best quality, you should look for a seal of approval from the American Petroleum Institute. 
  • Make sure your used oil ends up at an oil refinery. If you change your own oil, you should make sure you follow proper disposal guidelines. This includes storing the oil in a seal-able container, not mixing it with other fluids from your automobile, and taking it to an approved collection point. If you get your oil changed by a professional mechanic, it is likely that they dispose of it in an approved method, but you should still ask to make sure.

Protecting and conserving natural resources is a responsibility that all auto owners share. It only takes a few extra minutes to consider what happens to your oil after it leaves your vehicle and to make the choice to purchase recycled oil when possible.  For more information, contact a local shop that offers oil changes, like Fleet Services

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Talking About Fuel Delivery Systems

Hey everyone, my name is Crissy Paulo. I am excited to share my knowledge about fuel systems used for automotive applications. I will frequently talk about different ways to deliver the gas to the engine ranging from fuel distributors to direct injection. The carburetor was the first fuel delivery system I learned about, so I will talk about that one often. My site will also talk about common faults in these systems and ways to solve the problems. I hope you will use the information on my site to tackle problems in your fuel system or even perform some upgrades. I encourage you to visit my site often. Thank you.
