
Talking About Fuel Delivery Systems

Why Ethanol-Free Gas Is Better For Your Car

The use of ethanol in gasoline has a long and complex history in the United States. In 2005, the US government mandated that most of the gasoline sold in the country must contain a minimum of 10% ethanol. 

This mandate was a response to concerns about oil dependence and climate change. However, it was also deeply controversial, especially since it seems likely to lower fuel mileage and could possibly damage engines.

Fuel Mileage

It has been widely accepted that ethanol-free gas gets better fuel economy. In fact, many studies have shown that ethanol-free gas can improve mileage by 3-4%

The main reason for this is that ethanol is less energy dense than gasoline, meaning that you need to use more of it to get the same amount of power. As a result, your engine has to work harder to burn ethanol, leading to increased fuel consumption.

Engine Damage 

Ethanol is renewable alcohol made from corn and other plant materials. It can be used in place of gasoline to power cars, trucks, and other vehicles. 

While ethanol has some benefits, it can also damage engines if it is not used correctly. One way that ethanol can damage engines is by attracting water, thanks to the water-attracting properties of alcohol. 

Water can enter the fuel system and cause corrosion. Additionally, water-contaminated fuel can lead to deposit buildups on engine parts. These deposits can reduce efficiency and cause engine failure. 

Gasoline without ethanol is less likely to cause these problems, leading to a more efficient engine. This means generally fewer repairs are needed, and fuel mileage will likely be increased. and better mileage. 

As a result, it is important to use ethanol-blended fuel only in engines that are designed to run on it. These engines are specifically designated as "flex-fuel" engines. 

Otherwise, you may end up doing more harm than good.

Debatable Climate Benefits of Ethanol

In a recent study, Dr. John DeCicco of the University of Michigan Energy Institute argues that current policies promoting bioenergy are actually contributing to deforestation and other environmental damage.

According to DeCicco, producing bioenergy requires large amounts of land, which puts pressure on natural ecosystems. In addition, the process of clearing land for bioenergy production releases large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, negating any potential climate benefits. 

Instead, DeCicco argues that the most efficient way to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide levels is to leave intact natural ecosystems that serve as carbon sinks.

Find an ethanol-free gas provider near you.

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Talking About Fuel Delivery Systems

Hey everyone, my name is Crissy Paulo. I am excited to share my knowledge about fuel systems used for automotive applications. I will frequently talk about different ways to deliver the gas to the engine ranging from fuel distributors to direct injection. The carburetor was the first fuel delivery system I learned about, so I will talk about that one often. My site will also talk about common faults in these systems and ways to solve the problems. I hope you will use the information on my site to tackle problems in your fuel system or even perform some upgrades. I encourage you to visit my site often. Thank you.
